10 Extremely Inspiring Industrial Design Kitchens

The kitchen is one of the most visited and used living spaces other than the bedroom. If you are looking for a way to give your home a new look and a new feel, the kitchen is one of the best places to start. The trending industrial-look is one that is easy to install and will always sweep people off their feet as they enter. Look into these industrial design examples.

1. Chalkboard-Walled

The chalkboard look is certainly a new-coming yet extremely trending element in industrial kitchens. They function as the backsplash, as well as the wall and an area of creativity at the same time. If you are looking for a way to keep the vibrant feel of the kitchen lively, chalkboards are must-haves.

2. Simple Industrial Kitchen

Simplicity is best reflected in the use of colors to decorate the kitchen. White is best topped off with natural and earthly tones like wood, brown, or dark chocolate. Match the tones for all your appliances like your area rug or mat, island cover and more. This will help bring out the simplistic look to add to your rustic industrial kitchen.

3. Vintage-Industrial

Whoever said that vintage is not the match for industrial kitchens? The key to making these two massively popular trends blend together lies in the rusty hardwood flooring. This element blends the vintage decorations that will fill in the kitchen with the exposed pipes, wooden planks and metal accents through the walls and ceiling. You effectively have the best of both worlds.

4. White Industrial Cooking Area

If you are avoiding major renovations for your white kitchen, the white industrial kitchen is perfect for you. Replace everything wooden with metal or steel structures. This easily brings out the industrial kitchen look and is also a great way of organizing your utensils and appliances.

5. Black and White

Bringing back the black and white is the most exciting way to re-do your kitchen. Leave a single side of the wall to function as a black board while the rest of the cooking and dining area can be filled with white appliances and cabinets. This helps make a room look larger especially where room is limited. The metal elements of kitchen like pipes and oven will effectively blend in with these two colors.

6. Bright Industrial Kitchen

Industrial kitchens are often displayed as loft living spaces with an en-suite kitchen. However smaller-sized rooms are also able to bring out the industrial look by installing larger windows to let more sunlight in. Combine a smart mixture of exposed bricks with a stripped-wall look as well as marble kitchen islands or polished wooden cabinets.

7. Cozy Industrial Kitchen

Looking for an industrial design that is both simple and cozy? Add more wood into the kitchen through a comprehensive kitchen cabinet set and a warm-toned kitchen island as the focal point of the kitchen. Industrial looks blend well with any selection of color and material.

8. Industrial in Dark Blue

The real industrial look is rustic. To bring industrial kitchens to a whole new level, paint your walls in the tone of dark blue. Dark enough to make the room bring out a dramatic look but also still well-lit. A suggestion for your industrial kitchen focal point is the free-standing large sized metal sink.

9. Lively Kitchen with an Industrial Influence

Playful and whimsical industrial kitchens are not two contrary features. If anything they blend in perfectly well. The key to making any industrial kitchen lively is the tone you use throughout the room. Stick to one soft pastel color for your decorations. A suggestion is turquoise or light yellow. This makes the exposed steel pipes look less intimidating.

10. Scandinavian Industrial Kitchen

The Scandinavian kitchen industrial design is probably one of the most high-end looks of all. White-tiles backsplashes does the trick!


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