7 Changes of Business Cards Design From Year to Year

For every business segments, business card is an important thing which must be possessed. This small card cannot be underestimated by its small size because until now, it is used as an effective promotional tool. Investing in this small card can affect the business for bigger one. The advantages of having business card are indirect advertisement, the credibility presentation and the practicality of the small size. As an indirect advertisement, the card should contain the information, logo and contact of the business which can be easily remembered just by seeing the card. Therefore, some aspects must be considered to show in this card.

From its first show, business card has been changed and the changes happen from year to year. The changes related to the progress of technology and the era development in which the information is needed as clear as possible. There are seven aspects of changes in this card such as design, material, color selection, quality, content, information and creativity. At first show of business card, it can be regarded as very simple thing with simple purpose to tell other about someone’s business and its location. Design and color was not really considered as long as the information of name, contact and address were available.

Nowadays, the business card designs change every year from the color choice, fonts, material and other aspects. The variations of designs related to the color choices are more colorful and unique for the combination so that the color can reflect the style and the business concepts. If the business card refers to the person involves in the business, it can be added the photograph or the business logo. The material of the card is also various in qualities and kinds so that the material sometimes can reflect the cost of the card, although it does not always guarantee that the cost must be expensive.

Since the purpose of business card is to advertise someone’s business, the content of the card must involve as clear as possible information especially about the name, address and contact number. Today, the content will be more them because the social networks are also used as the advertisement, the social media account must also be provided in the business card. Nowadays, almost all of business segment will have own website and social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Path and others in which those all must be available in the card so that people can find them anytime and anywhere.

Because, today, the business card is also the promotional tool, the designs come variously and the uniqueness of the card will be certain fascination. The card is sometimes also designed as multifunctional card with small calendar, simple guidance related to the business or discount card. People will keep longer this kind of card than unmemorable card with simple design and just provide standard information. The newest change is the availability of QR codes to get closer contact with the partners just by the business card. In addition, the changes will always happen and be more sophisticated.


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